The Giraffe Centre was a new experience for Stanley. As he prepared for the safari, Stanley had talked a great deal about how much he likes giraffes, and he was really happy he was going to see them up in the wild. Like many of us, he had a hard time expressing just which animal …
Nairobi Nat’l Park – Enda Salama
So I guess the final safari photos (for this visit to Kenya) are now done, and I’m happy to share Mr. Guy’s Nairobi Nat’l Park (2) Album as a sort of last look for friends and colleagues who have been enjoying these postings. A nice sort of “final look,” if you will. Mostly African buffalo, zebras, and …
Masai Mara (13): An Historic Sighting
While I had made it clear to Charles and to Tomas that I would dearly love to see more elephants, as many as we could fine, I was pretty comfortable with the idea that one doesn’t necessarily see what one expects (or wants) to see on a safari. So I was pretty satisfied with our …
Masai Mara (11): Giraffes
So the debate continues: What is Mr. Guy’s Favorite Animal? After all those affectionate words about the lion in the previous post, and all that’s been said in earlier posts about the docile gracefulness of the zebra, a picture seems to be falling into place. Careful. We haven’t spent much time speaking about the …