[Guy St. Clair: I had the distinct pleasure of speaking recently with Tim Powell about his new book, The Value of Knowledge: The Economics of Enterprise Knowledge and Intelligence. Released in July, The Value of Knowledge is the second title in De Gruyter’s new series Knowledge Services, for which I am the Series Editor. In the series, we seek …
Frances Hesselbein: A Friend of the Heart, Forever
Like many who knew her, I was naturally grieved to learn that Frances Hesselbein had died. None of us were surprised, of course. Frances had lived a good, long life, well-loved and productive. At the same time, though, along with the natural grief for someone who was so respected and so highly thought of, as …
Personal History: Knowing Frances Hesselbein
Introduction The following content is a compilation of blog posts about Frances Hesselbein. These were written by me to honor Mrs. Hesselbein and to share with my blog readers what I learned from her, and how she and I interacted with one another. As we got to know each other over the years, she liked …
Frances Hesselbein: Knowledge Sharing at Its Best
Go to: http://gstcjourney.blogspot.com/2016/11/frances-hesselbein-knowledge-sharing-at.html
Guy’s Journey Continues – More “Reinventing”?
Happy to be back. And I can’t think of a more appropriate subject to begin with than how we think about our work and how we organize our lives so we have satisfying work. It’s a challenge to make it all come together. In our quest, we make much of Mr. Drucker’s recommendation to “reinvent …