[Despite the confusing title, I’m not back in Africa. Just continuing to posts stories and photos that are still with me, stuff I want to share.] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not much need for commentary here, so the next few posts will be just entry points to the photographs, collected on the Picasa site. These are photographs made …
Back to Africa: Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania (1)
Don’t panic. No, Guy has not returned to Africa (although he will one day, hopefully before too long). But my friends keep teasing me about all my Africa stories and photos (yes, the gang on the December FOG safari probably have enough stories and photos to last for the next, oh, 17 years or so!). …
Flat Stanley Goes to Kenya (9): Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania
Here’s Stanley and me as our group left the Sopa Lodge in Amboseli National Park. We were travelling over into Tanzania to go to the Ngorongoro Crater. Little did we know when we left the park that the real safari adventure would begin (perhaps giving new meaning to the word adventure). We knew we would …