New Yorkers aren’t known for being shy about what they like about their hometown (even if they’re originally from somewhere else). Sometimes, though, there’s just so much we can’t share it all. And I’m pretty typical in that way. Anyone who reads these posts knows how much fun I have with all the music available …
Springtime in New York’s Central Park
Spring comes to New York’s Central Park For those of us who live in New York, there are plenty of times for quiet thought and life without the daily stresses that seem to characterize urban living in the minds of so many people. Indeed, the idea of our city as a loud, disruptive place probably …
Appreciating America: Notes from New York
The title is a bit off, for these thoughts are not an extensive commentary on life in New York. Nor is this to be the first of one of those “notes-on-living-in-the-big-city” series of essays. This is simply a brief excursion into an appreciative few words about where I live and why I – like so …