Monday 23 November 2009 [Some postings after the fact due to spotty Internet access.] If, as is purported to be the case, Ibn Jubry in the 12th century said of Palermo, “it dazzles the eyes with its perfection,” he might have been right. Indeed, one of my colleagues continued the idea as we approached the …
Rome & Sicily: Impressions of a Different Kind
Sunday 22 November 2009 [Some postings after the fact due to spotty Internet access.] It would be hard to imagine a greater contrast than my experiences in Nairobi and the visit I’ve embarked upon in Italy. The transfer out of Nairobi was easy, the process very simple (in fact, I was thinking I wouldn’t mind …
Kenya Interruptus
Some First Impressions Leaving Kenya for a couple of weeks, as I have an assignment in Sicily and Rome to deal with – a very pleasant assignment, obviously. But as the commitment was made before I came to Nairobi, I must be away from Kenya and interrupt my work and the very nice lifestyle that …
There is so much I am loving about this adventure. The work is fascinating, and I am meeting so many smart, intelligent, and committed people that it makes me very happy that I work with strategic knowledge and have the opportunity to work in a field as interesting as knowledge services. And watching people get …
Back to Karen – and Karen Blixen
As a long-time admirer of the writings of Karen Blixen/Isak Dinesen (I had read and learned to love Out of Africa and Shadows on the Grass as a teenager), one of my first goals in coming to Kenya was to visit her home and learn as much as I could about her life in Kenya. …