To readers:
It recently came to my attention that there is no simple way to access earlier posts of this blog, since the format changed from Blogger to WordPress in early 2018. The current format now used does not automatically take us back to the posts published since November 2009, so I’ve included these in the Archives list at the top right.
For easier access to these earlier posts (that is, posts published before 2019), each of these posts includes an archive list and content from the earlier blog. You can see these earlier posts simply by clicking on the monthly date in the list to the left of each post’s content.
Please make yourself at home and feel free to click on any month when you want to access Sharing Guy’s Journey posts published prior to 2019. You will be taken directly to the post. Once inside the post, look to the left for this list and if more than one post is shown for the month, click the arrow in front of the month and individual posts will be shown. Click that link to see the posts individually, just as they appeared in the former format.